January 26, 2011

Scribendo disces scribere

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Today's saying is Scribendo disces scribere. In English: "By writing you will learn to write."

The students in my classes write A LOT: they write for me, for each other, and for themselves, using various online formats, including websites and blogs. If you want to see some of their websites, follow this link; I am really proud of the work that they do. Because I can teach in an online environment where all our class activities take place in written form, I finally feel able to focus on writing. When I taught in the classroom, the emphasis was on oral communication and it was hard to put writing at the center of my teaching - and just practically speaking, since I am a short person, I sure had a hard time writing on the blackboard! But seriously, when we met in the classroom, I did not think of myself as a writer, nor did my students. Now, however, my students are writing all the time, and they think of themselves as writers. By writing, they will learn to write, I hope - and the same is true for me, too! Scribendo discemus omnes scribere - by writing we can all learn to write!

In terms of Latin grammar, you can see here another example of the very useful Latin gerund, a verbal noun often used in the ablative, as here: scribendo, by means of writing. Compare the similar use of a gerund in a saying earlier this week: Errando discitur, "We learn by making mistakes."

For those of you who are fans of macrons, here is the Latin written with macrons:

Scrībendō discēs scrībere.
