Bestiaria Latina: Audio Latin Proverbs
Thoughts about teaching and learning from an online instructor at the University of Oklahoma. :-)
February 04, 2011
Week 2: Repetitio
So, here are the proverbs from this week, along with a link to each podcast:
Nemo solus satis sapit
Scientia potentia
Nulla dies sine linea
Sapere aude
Homo doctus in se divitias semper habet
Repetitio mater memoriae
Plus here are the previous proverbs:
Exercitatio optimus est magister.
Doce ut discas.
Dies diei discipulus.
Errando discitur.
Dubium sapientiae initium.
Scribendo disces scribere.
I'll be back next week with more! :-)
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